About Us (关于我们)

Founders of Star-Lighting Buddhist Association



The  Star-Lighting Buddhist Association is a sister organisation to Starlight Buddhist Fellowship based in Taiwan. The Starlight Buddhist Fellowship is found in Taiwan by Lin Shengyi Mentor (see below 'about me'), then in 2022, The Star-Lighting Buddhist Association was collectively founded by a group of members based in Malaysia.

Star-Lighting Buddhist Association is a non-profit organisation that practices' Buddhism, and welcome everyone from various background that shares the same values. We mainly operates in Mandarin and English, but we are able to accommodate other languages such as Cantonese, Hokkien, Malay and more. The "Star-Lighting Buddhist Association" is established to spread the Dharma of the Three Vehicles of the World Honored One and teach the people of the ten directions to "practice at home".

星光佛学会,是附属台湾同修会的佛教组织分会之一。2010年,林勝義导师(见以下关于 “我”)在台湾成立星光同修会。而在2022年,一群常驻马来西亚的学员共同成立星光佛学会。

星光佛学会是一个非营利的佛教团体,欢迎所有来自不同背景,但拥有相同价值观的同修道友加入,一起学习共修。本会主要以华语和英语运营,但也使用粤语、闽南语、马来语等沟通交流。成立星光佛学会的目的是要弘扬世尊三乘法门,教导十方众生 “在家修行”。

Lin Shengyi Mentor

Founder of Starlight Fellowship




In 1995, when he worshiped the Buddha, he saw the appearance of Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva, and since then opened the Dharma predestined relationship. In 1998, the Eye of Heaven was opened.

In 2000, he broke through enlightenment, and one month later, while walking on the road, he realized the state of "seeing the Buddha-nature" recorded in the "Mahaparinirvana Sutra". Afterwards, he was granted the seal by Amitabha Buddha, and he was able to transform a large lotus boat in his hand to save the souls of the dead.

Later, he realized in concentration, "Why are there no traces of all seeds in the realm of true nature when you realize the Tao?" ’, to solve the major questions and challenges posed by the Madhyamika School of Tantric Buddhism. At the moment, receiving the empowerment of the Buddha, you will instantly enter the pure land of the Buddhas and Bodhisattvas in the middle of concentration, and see the Buddhas face to face.

At present, the "Starlight Fellowship" is established to spread the Dharma of the Three Vehicles of the World Honored One and teach the people of the ten directions to "practice at home".

1995年礼佛时见观世音菩萨示现,从此开启法缘。 1998年天眼开启。


其后再于定中悟得『为何悟道时于真如之境,不见一切种子踪迹? 』之重大疑问,解开密宗中观派对瑜伽行派的重大诘难与挑战。当下蒙佛灌顶,于定中瞬入诸佛菩萨净土,面见诸佛。
