Classes & Resources (课程 & 资源)

Below is a brief summary of our course we offer, to find out more, please visit the student section if you have enrolled.  以下是本会提供的课程简要总结,若您要了解更多信息,请查询学员资料库(如果您已注册)。

Step 1: Dharma Introductory Class Level 0 (步骤 1: 佛法先修班 :Level 0)

Step 2: Dharma Intensive Beginner Course Level 1 (步骤2: 佛法正修班 Level 1)

Goal: To establish Buddhist knowledge, enhance body and mind, and develop Prajna wisdom.目标:建立佛法知识,提升身心灵,开发般若智慧)

Step 3: Dharma Intensive Intermediate Course Level 2步骤3: 佛法正修班 Level 2 )

Goal: To transform karma and habits, to remove physical and mental afflictions and obstacles, and to develop "wisdom of liberation". (目标:转化业障习气,薄除身心的烦恼障碍,开发「解脱智慧」)

Step 4: Dharma Intensive Advance Course Level 3 (步骤4: 佛法正修班 Level 3 )

Goal: To practice "wisdom of emptiness" - to develop the state, to understand "emptiness", to eliminate afflictive habits; to realize "liberation" and "prajna". (目标:修『空性的智慧』- 生起境界,证解「空性」,薄除烦恼习气;体证「解脱」与「般若」)

星光佛法修學次第 Level 1 - 3

Taiwan Star-Lighting Information Area(台湾星光资讯区)

Opening & Closing Prayers (祈請文和回向文)

地藏王 祈請文和回向文.docx